Всемирная Организация Маджонга (WMO) объявляет о проведении Четвёртого чемпионата мира по спортивному маджонгу, который пройдет с 11 по 15 ноября 2015 года в Южной Корее на острове Чеджу. Проведение чемпионата приурочено к 10-летию образования Всемирной Организации Маджонга. Турнир соберет 300 игроков из Азии, Америки и Европы.

World Mahjong Organization, headquarter in China, had announced that the Fourth World Mahjong Culture Exchange Congress and Championship will be at famous tourists destination, Jeju Island, in conjunction of Tenth Anniversary of establishment of the World Mahjong Organization. There will be more than 300 players from Asia, America and Europe.

The Fourth World Mahjong Championship and Mahjong Culture Exchange Congress 2015 will be held at Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (Jeju Island), South Korea from November 11th to 15th. It is also the Tenth Anniversary of World Mahjong Championship. It will a great assembly of all mahjong organizations, friends and enthusiasts. For promote Olympic spirits and advocate healthy, scientific and friendly mahjong culture.

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